39 Following

Cate Baylor - Author

Avid reader, romance writer, blogger, craft addict, tea drinker, and lifelong geek. You can also find me on Twitter and Facebook, as well as my web site

Verified on BookLines

I'm tickled by the very quick response of the BookLikes team--my account is now a "verified" author account. Woot! 


That little checkmark you see on the top-left corner of my profile picture demonstrates that BookLikes has agreed that I am, indeed, a published author. Imagine! ;)


I love that BookLikes has this feature right out of the gates. Given the current climate in online reader-author communities, I want people to know right up front who I am and what I do. Honesty is the best policy, IMHO.


Just because I'm an author doesn't mean I'm not a reader. I was an avid reader well before I decided to take the plunge into writing. However, my voracious appetite for reading has been somewhat quelled by my new vocation. ;) 

Reblog: BookLikes Community Guidelines

Some very helpful tips I ran across today in my updates feed and wanted to share. 



A great post full of tips for all newcomers and also for older members on BookLikes. I have loved the positive atmosphere here on BookLikes and hope it stays this way. So far this has been a drama-free zone and I love this aspect. 


Happy Reading!!!



We're happy to see so many avid readers, authors, reviewers - all new members on BookLikes. We hope you'll feel comfy here and that you'll find BookLikes engaging and enjoyable.


We've prepared several points that will help you in discovering and exploring BookLikes. Here are some of our hints and guidelines:


 Each BookLikes member receives personal webpage with Blog, Shelf, Timeline which can be edited and personalized in particular tabs in Settings and Customization tab

Read more in post Your Blog on BookLikes - Custom-Made


Each BookLikes member is administrator and has access to admin mode of his/her webpage and Dashboard once he/she signs up and then logs into service. Public view of webpage is available with individual address yourusername.booklikes.com. You can also use your own domain with no fees. 


Dashboard is a place where you see writings and bookshelf updates of people you follow. 

Read more in post Dashboard - A Place Where All Bookish Things Happen.


BookLikes Community can be found on Explore page. Blogs are put into categories. You can edit and change your categories in Settings/Blog.

Read more in post Let's Explore More & Tags and Comments Updates.


You can publish review, text, photo, video, URL of your choice and complement it with a book/books (up to 10). Inspiring and well written reviews are always encouraged, welcome and may be promoted


You can create posts and publish them on your webpage, however, if BookLikes members find it assaulting or violating they can block the user who might be removed from Follower list. This means that the person with inappropriate texts might receive lower priority and may not be presented in Explore page where we present BookLikes Community. 

Read more in post Followers, Book Blog Directory Reminder & Import Updates.


No text, review or any other post will be removed from personal webpage. Inappropriate and assaulting texts can be hidden from BookLikes Community Dashboard but will stay on personal public blog. Remember that opinions in posts are those of the post's author and not BookLikes.com.


Comments under posts can be moderated by author of the post. Author of the post can delete comments if he/she finds comment inappropriate.

Read more in post Comments Open For All & Add Shelf in Book Pop Up.


You can import books from Goodreads (export your library to csv file), LibraryThing (export your library to csv file), Lovely Books and Lubimy czytać in Settings/Import. You can also sync your Goodreads account with your BookLikes profile - then books and reviews published on BL will be also visible on GR.

Read more in post BookLikes -> Goodreads Synchronization.


BookLikes Team releases new feature once a week every Thursday.  All updates and news can be followed on BookLikes Blog and our social media. If you have any questions, requests, suggestions or concerns, just mail us. We're open to new ideas and appreciate all the feedback.



We're happy to welcome so many new book lovers on our site.


BookLikes Team hopes that the service will stay a positive, friendly and respectful place for people who love reading books and discussing them. We all hope you'll help us in creating unique space for avid readers, reviewers, writers, all book lovers and members of book world. 


BookLikes Welcomes New Book Lovers :-) And now let's start reading.

Sticking my toes in the water

A big ole howdy from Texas! I just discovered BookLikes and am figuring out all the bells and whistles. This is largely a test post but thought I'd say hi, too, to be polite. :)